Monday 29 September 2008

art on myspace

since i've started painting again (i didn't paint for a year!), i've been trying to breathe some new life into my dormant myspace art profile and it has lead me to re-discover some of the great artists on my friend list. this is the benefit of a bad memory; the same things can be discovered again and again and i'm equally thrilled each time... one of the artists that i keep re-descovering is korin:

i like how something so white can be so dark.. :

and i like the stale postures in her paintings:
i always find it interesting to see how people work, so here are a couple of behind-the-scenes shots:

taking good pictures to base paintings on is something i keep trying to remember. it's so much easier to work with something that isn't wrong from the start, as then the rest of the work doesn't have to be about fixing mistakes. it seems like a bit of an effort to take professional photos that will never be used for anything else than research, but it's more of an effort trying to make a painting based on a crap photo with shit lighting look professional..

check out korin's myspace profile for more of her art.

when i joined myspace, i was amazed at how easy it is to discover cool art there. if you find one artist that you like, it's very likely that you'll like other artists on his or her friend list. if any of my blog readers are on myspace, why don't you add me? you can find my profile here.

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