Sunday 21 March 2010

I've been making fibre bangles

They have a rubber core, so they are soft and comfy to wear. I think they look great stacked, so I'll probably make more. They're just wrapped with yarn, so I think they should be very fast to make, but apparently thinking about making something is a lot faster than actually doing it..

I've decided I need to start photographing my crafts on more busy, colourful backgrounds. I'm not a tidy, minimalistic person, and my wardrobe (and bedroom!) is black.. so I don't see why I photographed my crafts on white backgrounds. I probably thought tidy white backgrounds was the ideal, like my crafts was made by someone else who was more professional than myself, and got featured in boring blogs written by people I have nothing in common with. But who am I kidding, it's just not my style, and I don't find it interesting.
I'm glad to have that out of the system, I'm sure I'll make much better stuff now, and have a more interesting shop once it opens again.
Isn't it weird that it's so hard to know if one is being true to oneself?

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