Friday 9 January 2009

michal macku body pictures

michal macku uses a self invented technique called "gellage" to create strange morphed body images.

"The technique consists of transfer the exposed and fixed photographic emulsion from its original base on paper. This transparent and plastic gelatin substance makes it possible to reshape and reform the original images, changing their relationships and endowing them with new meanings during the transfer" link

hasn't he heard of photoshop? although i guess everyone has a computer with photoshop now, "gellage" is maybe a bit more unique.

the first image by michal macku reminds me of some simple body drawings i did a while back. i tried looking for them, but only found one:

michal macku must have seen my drawing somehow and copied me. maybe he hacked my brain in search for inspiration. it happens aaaaall the timeee. i better start wearing a tin foil helmet to stop the psychic theft of ideas.

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