juergen teller's models are stripped, not only of their clothes, but of all glossy unreality. not that the result is real; it's only pretending to be.
when asked if he prefers working with models or 'real people' when conducting a photo shoot, juergen answered "it changes all the time. they are all real people to me."
personally i like the rawness of realism, but i much prefer the magic of fairy tales.

i showed these photos of lily cole to my boyfriend, and he exclaimed "is that you!???". well, no, she isn't me, but i bet she pretends to be:P

björk the forever miss cool eating black spaghetti. i saw this type of spaghetti the last time i was in italy, and an image of an all black necro dinner popped into my head. juergen must have read my thoughts. i hate it when that happens.
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