I used shredded up paper, paint, ink, yarn, patchouli oil to make it smell faintly of hippieness, little bits of pot pourri, yarn and fibre, golden stars and a TON of glitter. You can't really tell how glittery the paper is, but it's very, very glittery. I bet you've never seen Dagens Næringsliv* like this:

Making paper is easy but messy, and it also takes a lot more time than I expected. Maybe it would have taken less time if I didn't make such an effort to get them all flat. I always feel the need to make things perfect, which is ironic, as I love how imperfections adds character, soul and a sense of authenticity that mass produced stuff lacks. I need to remember that the reason why I hand make things is NOT to have the result looking like it came out of a factory..
A little paper-making instruction I found, just to give you an idea of how it's done:

* Dagens Næringsliv is a Norwegian paper that mainly focuses on economy and business.. I thought it was very fitting for it to be re-born all glittery and smelling of patchouli.
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