I'm so excited to see Henrik's art featured in newspapers! Internet fame is fantastic, but newspaper-fame is more a part of real tangible life somehow. This is only a couple of recent articles, I know he's been featured several times before. I'm so impressed with the way he manages to get himself out there as an artist, he's so good with media, finding places to show his art, and finding other artists to network with. He's done performances worldwide! It's been good fun following his work since I got to know him. I've seen him doing live performances a couple of times, and it's been such cool experiences. Henrik's art is way far out and heavy with theory - yet he somehow manages to not be pretentious and alienating, but engages the audience in what he's doing no matter what their background is.

Some of Henrik's newer work deals with gender-flux. Good stuffs.

Check out his blog to see more of his art:
http://henrikhedinge.blogspot.com/I will also post some of my favourite works of his at some point.
Henrik and I did
ArtProjectMjøsa2008 together, and I think ArtProjectMjøsa2010 would be a good thing to do was well..
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