I promise I'll use you,

and not abuse you and turn you into a dirty hairy disgrace like my last Titanium White.

I promise I'll put your cap on every time I'm finished with you, and I promise to only use the intended hole for extracting paint and not random holes I accidentally make by giving you rough treatment.
I promise not to treat you rough so you won't have these accidental holes everywhere that leaves a layer of paint on the both of us, and everything we touch.

I will do my best to keep you clean so you won't be covered in a greasy film of oil that somehow never dries, but makes you sticky so that dust, hairs and random bits of crap attaches itself to you.

I promise not to keep you underneath a pile of painting rags and dust bunnies on the floor, but in the box where the other paint tubes live. I promise they won't be sticky either, or full of holes and missing their caps, rubbing themselves on you to the point where I can't figure out if it's really you or just some random - oh, I don't know, Yellow Ochre or French Ultramarine.
I know I promised all of this to my last Titanium White oil paint tube, but this time I'm serious.
(Ps. Don't feel threatened by my little new tube of translucent white... yes, it does some interesting new tricks, but at the end of the day, it can never replace your reliable coverage )