My friends at DraculaClothing are having the most amazing and well thought out contest ever, and so I thought I'd spread the word about it.
What you have to do is to design a corset for them. They are especially looking for steampunk corsets, burlesque corsets and creatively designed corsets.
You need to use this template as a backdrop for your design (click picture for full size):

Post your design to http://www.facebook.com/photo_search.php?oid=10418434039&view=all and click add photo, they will keep the best pictures in the folder.
If they like your corset enough to make it, you will win the corset you designed!
There will be as many or few winners as there's designs that they like enough to use, and there will also not be an end date for the contest since they are always looking for new designs. A no-stress contest. I like the sound of that.
This is the entry they posted in their blog about the contest: http://draculaclothing.com/blog/design-contest
And this is their shop, if you'd like to take a look at what they're already selling: http://draculaclothing.com/
There's also lots more photos on their Facebook profile: http://www.facebook.com/#!/DraculaClothing?ref=sgm
So, are you going to give it a go?
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