ah, classic bath tub painting:

i think her best paintings are the ones where she isn't trying too hard to be dark. it's not because i don't like dark stuff, but because it's not what anna does best. this one is one of my favourites:

ok, ok, so there's an empty chair - turned away from us. i guess that's not entirely positive - empty chairs/rooms are always a reminder of something or someone who isn't there. in this painting though, i get a feeling that whoever it is that isn't there is ME and that i can just walk in there, sit in her plastic chair and enjoy the view and a glass of white wine. i think it's a white wine scenery, and a very pretty one too- in pretty colours. it would soothe my mind to stay there for a while. it's possibly not what she intended, but hey, that's the way of art; it's completed in the minds of it's audience.
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