"Where people are, there are emotions. Where emotions are, I find my subjects. My working material is litteral direct taken from the human. Just as the emotions. Material and subject are the base for my work.
The reason I work with human hair, is that hair has symbolic significance: beauty, strength, health, attraction, etc. The moment it is separated from the human all these factors turn around, hair is considered dirty, unsavory and dead.
Human hair is a hyper-individual material, which I felt or spin into yarn.
The objects and installation I create are divided between soft, touchable and an anxious distance. The tension that arises is highly dominated by the impact of the material. The work is figurative and recognizable but shape and proportions are not necessarily correct or ‘beautiful’, what matter is the sensation they evoke. You can always view my work in two ways: kind, pleasant and innocent, or frightening, condemning and guilty." - chrystl rijkeboer

..hmm i wonder if my boyfriend would be happy if i cut my hair off and used it to knit him a funky hat?
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