i have a soft spot for fantasy artists like keith thompson, it's like he's a modern day fairy tale illustrator. nowadays, fairy tales are mostly for kids, but it wasn't always like that, and it doesn't have to be that way. fantasy art and illustration has this stigma about it; as if it isn't real, serious, high art, but the domain of nerds. as we all know, being a nerd is being intelligent, dedicated and good at something - like keith thompson - i don't understand how that can be a stigma.
you might want to click on some of the more intricate pictures to get all the details, as the pictures are massive, but blogger resizes them to the point where some of the amazingness is lost.

for more of keith thompson's work, check out his website:
www.keiththompsonart.comwikipedia has a section about fantasy art where they also mention the silly division between fantasy art and high culture:
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