i think it's great how junko mizuno touches upon the theme of female sexuality, and sort of reclaims it in a cute, cool and positive celebration of girlieness. it's nice to see feminism come in different shapes, as girls are different and relate to different things.
i don't think there is anything wrong in girly stuff, i don't think feminism is about making women more like men. having equal rights and equal respect; hell yes! but i don't see the point in adopting the qualities associated with manlyness (i say ASSOCIATED with as it's a stereotype and not always the case), like this new form of bitch-feminism where women think they're strong and liberated if they sleep around, act insensitive, hard and only think of themselves - and in general just adopt all the most negative things associated with the male stereotype.
i don't think we need more bitches, male or female. it's nicer to be nice and the way forward is fluffyness, respect and love no matter what gender you are.

i want the book of her called hellbabies, it's got a puffy pink cover with glitter and is filled with kick ass illustrations, - and not much to read as far as i can remember. i wouldn't mind the comic cinderella either, i haven't really read any of her comics, i wonder if they're good. i don't think her illustrations need a story though, they're cool enough on their own.
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