i hate too much. i find it really enjoyable to hate, and i need to stop it. i read in science illustrated that people who take revenge and steal from others end up loosing in the long run. i guess they've scientifically proved that being a hater is bad karma.
something i really hate is pretenciousness. wannabes. i think i see it a lot in scene kids and emos.
maybe because they remind me of myself at that age and it makes me embarrassed thinking of how pretencious i used to be.
maybe i'll be more comfortable with myself if less of the people who remind me of myself annoy me.
i think emos get too much shit for who they are.
you can say it's sad how they claim to be individual yet they all look alike, but that is the case with all subcultures, like goth, punk or even ravers. being truly original is hard work when everything has been done before.
and i don't really think everything has to be original, as long as it's fun.
people seem to forget that although emo is a thing for teenagers, there's a lot of even worse styles teenagers go for. and often being a teenager is a little silly and pretencious, no matter the style. emo might be one of the cooler and rebellious styles for teenagers today, as a sort of modernised goth/punk. it's too easy making fun of teenagers and it isn't easy being one. luckily it's just a phase (for most people, i still treasure the teen angst).
i think i can like emo in the way i like marilyn manson. mainstream people don't like marilyn manson, that's expected. but i've also found that a lot of people who try really hard at being alternative are too snobbish for marilyn manson as he's not underground enough. i like marilyn manson for this very reason; because he's an outcast - even in the group of people where he should belong (also i actually like his music) .
emo is sort of like this. mainstream people ridicule them, and goth/punk/alternative people ridicule them too.
i don't want to be an ignorant cunt.
i think a lot of them look fun;
there's piercings,
big hair,
madly coloured hair (seems like HAIR is something they care about quite a lot),
strange clothing,
they're not that bad.
here are some photos of emo people that i like. i think some of them look scene, but i found all of them on an emo website, so i'll just trust the expert - and besides, i don't have to be an ignorant cunt to scene kids either:

this one looks goth to me, but he thinks he's emo. well suit yourself:

obligatory pout for picture (a good pout in a picture makes all the difference in the world!!):

i'm only including this picture because of the glimpse of an emo cock:

i used to walk about with plastic bugs in my hair too, so i'm biased to this look:

i found most of my emo pictures at
fashion-emo-hairstyles.blogspot.com. a place to visit if all of this made you want to emo it up.
i also found a very amusing
scene rant, including this bit on scene hair.
"The whole “backwards, poofy black mullet” thing doesn’t always have to be what all scene hair looks like, though; scene hairstyles can range from looking like a large dead skunk to looking like a large dead raccoon. Possibly in some cases just a very large dead bird of some sort. See below for examples.":

i can sense this person's resentment to hair resembeling a very large dead bird/racoon/skunk, but personally i like hair the bigger and more mad it gets. if i had the patience, the skills, the hair dye, the straighteners etc i would go for the look myself. but right now i'm struggling to even comb my hair on a regular basis, so i doubt i'll have the self discipline to pull off the large dead bird/racoon/skunk style in the near future.
the word "POSERS!" is stuck in my mind after having written this lengthy blog entry, then i remembered the main point of it was that i'm not an ignorant cunt any longer, and am ending this blog entry with this picture i found instead:

i am a super hero of my generation, but i never thought i looked retarded ;)