I think I deserve this tree bed by Shawn Lovell to get going with my pixie forest house, but it's more likely that I'll have to go out and get some trees, build a nest, get some spray paint etc and do some diy:

I also think I deserve this ghost tree coat rack by Erich Ginder, although with the right type of tree that wouldn't easily break off I could make that too:

I would also have to make mushroom stools like this one:

And massive grass rugs and cushions and allsorts in green fur like these rugs by pd design:

It would also be fun to build a frame and grow some proper grass indoor.
Or do something like Tokyo based designer (why is everything from Japan so dead cool?? ) Chiaki Murata of Metaphys, who has designed a product range of stackable grass planters.

I shall have to paint my fingers green, but first I need a house though.
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